Saturday, January 5, 2008

Eucharistic ramblings and random encounters

Tonight we attended Church of the Apostles (COTA), an emerging church here in Seattle rooted in the Lutheran and Episcopal traditions. Matt and I had heard a lot about COTA from our friend Nadia, herself a pastor of another emerging church in Denver. It definitely gave us a starting place for seeking spiritual community when we return to Seattle after our South America trip. Although liturgical, it felt organic and alive, like an young bud with surprisingly deep roots.

As it was our first time attending, we expected not to know anyone. After about 30 seconds, I saw Katherine and Julia Hinderlie and Josh Samuelson. It felt so wonderful to see fellow Holdenites on "the outs", the first we'd seen since we left almost two weeks ago. And to share the peace and light candles and participate the in Eucharist together with this Holden family did my heart much good. As the proclamation from Ephesians 3 hit my ears, the voice I heard in my head was Paul Hinderlie's. Then, as we lined up to enter the labryinth, the center of which held the bread, we saw Josh Post and Josh Graber. So there we all were, randomly - 3 Joshes, 2 Matts and 2 Hinderlies. All we needed was burrito bar and a Bombardier.

In the 13 days that have passed since Matt and I left the Village, we have attended 3 Eucharist services in three different churches. I find myself anticipating the chance to participate in this sacrament. Why? What is the draw? ....In remembrance of me .....shed for the forgiveness of sin. Broken body and shed blood for forgiveness of sin? Celebrated as a "feast"? It is a mystery that, even as I read my own words, seems so foolish. But then my heart remembers Holden, and I am compelled to enter into this foolishness. If forgiveness is done and the banquet table is set, what else is left but to feast? It is here, at this banquet table, where we find God; broken body, shed blood. This is what I tasted, of what I caught glimpses, at Holden. And I am seeing it can be found anywhere forgiveness is found and bread is broken.



Sarcastic Lutheran said...

Thanks for this, I'm so pleased you've chosen to blog. I too am a sucker for forgiveness and the feast.

I look forward to hearing how your out-of-holden life goes.

I understand that you think you'll be living in Seattle after your South America trip, but have I mentioned how great Denver is and how I do actually need you both to join House for All Sinner and Saints?

God's peace on your journey. I love your clever blog name.

All love,

Sarah Hughes said...

my dearest stb,

i adore you and your writing, that last paragraph gripped me.

Tim Morris said...

Hey Matt,
I look forward to someday sharing this experience with you. I celebrate with you the forgiveness of Christ, not in need because of who we are or who we love, in this I find no difference, but because we are all able to come to the father with no condemnation and put on the robe of Christ becoming the same. You and I, one with the Christ, and each other.