Sunday, May 18, 2008

Time Warps

Tonight we were transported back in time ... to a couple of different eras. First, we were lucky enough to hear a concert by Seattle Pro Musica of Rachmaninov's choral work, the All Night Vigil. This was a stunning concert, and it felt like I was listening to the revival of ancient Russian chant in one of the cathedrals of the late Tsars. In fact, it was St. James Cathedral in Seattle, not a shabby stand-in. The choir is that of our Holden friend Liz Langeland.

After the concert we visited the anachronistic lobby of Seattle's Sorento hotel. A fabulous 1920s band was playing and the warm wood of the turn of the century lobby made me feel like a gangster. Here's Matt, looking like a member of la cosa nostra.

The whole evening was very pleasant ... and we thought of Daniel, the other half of Holden's staff coordination team, and how he would have liked the Sorento.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Matt and Matt, I almost went to this concert! Its great to see your faces. I've been wanting to get in touch with you and get together. Please e-mail!
Coni at